
Well, hello and thanks for visiting!

My name is Christy B. I live in Colorado with my husband, two sons, one cat (Mrs. Mustache) and two African dwarf frogs (Bob and John. Not sure which one is the female).

Me and my boys.
I met my husband after college and at a time neither of us was looking for a commitment - he was applying to med school, me to grad school, neither of us planned to stay in the state we were living. It was fun! Until it was serious. Then it got hard. We made compromises. We fought, we learned, we grew. But mostly, we loved. After 4 years together, we married. Now, 11 years after that, we're still fighting, learning, growing, and loving. Together.

On mothering.

I'll be the first to admit, mothering hasn't come easy for me. Which is not to say I don't love my boys with all of my being, because I do! Just that from the very beginning I've struggled to find my way, to figure out how to give them what they need without losing myself, to act as teacher and guide and role model, to let go of the fear that I'm doing it all wrong and completely screwing them up. Perhaps you feel the same? If so, we just might have something to offer each other...

What's not to love?
On other things.

To be honest, "other things" pretty much consists of running at the moment. I started running for high school track, and have been running off and on since. For most of those years, it's been a casual thing...I ran to get in shape or keep in shape, and it is the only exercise that has been a constant for me. But only in the past three years have I gotten a little more serious about running - setting goals, following a training plan, forgoing that third glass of wine because I've got a long run planned the next morning. I currently run five days a week, work with a trainer once a week, and usually get another strength training session in on my own. I run because I love to run. I try not to obsess, but it happens. You'll see.

Finish line of the Horsetooth Half Marathon

In what now seems like a distant past, I also like to cook, sew, garden, and travel. I work part-time for the local health department and I own a small business with my best friend (of 28 years!) I feel best when I can give of myself to my community, and am an active volunteer and board member for two local organizations. If I ever find the headspace again that running currently occupies, I might write about these things, too...

I am terrible about taking photos of my children and saving mementos from major life events, like birthdays and graduations. Thankfully, my parents and in-laws are great at this! (My sister-in-law scheduled the shoot for the above photo or it never would've happened). I would be setting myself up to fail if I said this blog will change that. Instead, this blog will be a place for me to capture the little things...everyday events that, woven together, make up the fabric of our lives.


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