Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chaos to clarity (and back again) and intentions for 2015

I seem to alternate between periods where my thoughts are chaotic and disorganized and periods of total clarity. And the thing is, I always seem to experience chaos/clarity in all aspects of my life simultaneously (at least those where I am trying to grow) - I'm never crystal clear at work, and disorganized and chaotic about running goals, for example. However, when clarity comes, it is universal too. I can often go for weeks, even months, uncertain about my direction or path...sometimes just going on faith that the plans I've laid are the best ones, but not really feeling certain... until *SNAP* all at once, I know just what to do to move forward.

Interestingly, running seems to help me get to that point of clarity, and writing serves to solidify it. Writing can be nearly impossible for me during those disorganized periods...but once I've achieved clarity, I feel compelled to write (this is probably an unconscious attempt to preserve all those hard earned clear thoughts).

I think I started this post in a moment of clarity, but now, a few weeks later, I think I'm tipping back to chaos again...(sigh). Going to try to stop the slide by posting some intentions for 2015. I wrote these in my run journal a few weeks ago, but reiterating them here may bring them back into focus:

  • Run more miles
  • Focus on full recovery between hard run efforts
  • Strength train to correct imbalances and avoid injury
  • Learn something new (I'm thinking it's going to be learning to use a pottery wheel)
  • Do fewer things, but do them well
  • Love bravely (more on this later)