I've been itching to write lately and I thought to myself "I should start a blog"! So, I googled "blogging websites" and blogger.com came up on top. Great, I'll start there! Google asked me to sign in to all things google, so I did...and low and behold, I already have a blog.
Lest I appear a complete idiot, allow me to explain.
Some time ago (nearly three years now, it appears from the date of my last post) I decided it would be fun to start a blog. I like to write, I had some thoughts swimming around in my head that needed a place to go....so, I put some thought into what it should be called and what I would write about and came up with "Mothering and Other Things". Apparently then I started this site and wrote my first post.
And then...in my usual manner, I quickly decided (it's coming back to me now) that a free website wasn't good enough, that I must have my own domain name (more legitimate!) and advertisements (new career?!!) and....and....well, I didn't know what else, but regardless, this site wasn't enough. So, I acquired a domain name, signed up for a year (maybe two) of hosting, wrote perhaps five posts, and dropped it entirely. GoDaddy didn't want to let me go. They pestered me for a long time to renew my domain name before it was too late. Once or twice I attempted to log on to my account to see what was required of me...but eh, I couldn't remember my login credentials...and that's all she wrote (ha).
But here it is again, this desire to write. I've changed alot in the past three years, and while I'm still very much a mother, I don't know if I'll feel like writing about mothering all that much. At the moment, I'm all about running. So perhaps my blog title isn't a perfect fit with what I intend to create, but I think I'll let that go for the moment and just try to write, see if it serves me, and go from there.
Take two.