Hello Internet! This will be my little experiment. A place to record my thoughts, musings, reflections. I'm not good at recording life events in the usual ways (I'm famous for forgetting to bring my camera to such monumental events as my sons' birthday parties...sigh), but maybe, just maybe, I can be inspired to blog about my thoughts and experiences.
Since it is a new year, I'm going to begin my blog by recording some intentions (not to be confused with resolutions! I don't do those...) I have set for myself for 2011. Maybe they're kind of resolution-ish, but I like to think of them more like themes. So, here goes:
Theme #1: gratitude
My parents raised me to always send thank you notes for gifts received or kindnesses shown. And yet, I'm ashamed to admit, I have become woefully negligent about writing my thanks. So much so that sometimes I feel so bad that I have not sent a thank you that I find myself avoiding the generous gift giver I have neglected! In 2011, I intend to remind myself to feel gracious and to express my gratitude in a thoughtful (and timely) way.
Theme #2: nurture relationships
This past year I have unintentionally hurt several people I care about through thoughtlessness and selfish actions. In 2011, I intend to pay greater attention to the way my actions affect the people I care about, and to act authentically and intentionally in my interactions with others.
Theme #3: physical health
I intend to continue to take care of my physical health, as I have in the past year. I am re-establishing healthy habits that I want to keep for the remainder of my life. In 2011, I intend to keep this strong focus on taking care of my body.
So, that's it! Here we go...